Music and Arts Ministries
We have several music and arts groups at Penarth Methodist Church
and we're always keen to hear from those who'd like to join our groups.

Trinity Singers
Fridays, 10:30 AM (weekly, term-time)
We are a friendly group of enthusiastic singers who enjoy meeting on a regular basis to sing a variety of music, some of which we perform during Sunday worship.
We meet in the Church Rooms on a Friday morning, usually during term time, and rehearse from 10.30 – 11.30.
In addition to singing items from our extended repertoire we enjoy learning new music, including songs and hymns from living composers.
We regularly contribute to special services such as Advent, Christmas, Easter and
We are a mixed choir which gives us the opportunity to sing in 4 part harmony.
Many of our members do not read music and sight reading is not a requirement, just enthusiasm, together with a willingness to learn and enjoy making music together.
New members are always welcome so if you would like to join this friendly group please speak to Janet, Rebecca or any choir member who would be delighted to answer any questions you may have.
Janet Pedwell
T: 029 2070 1565
Rebecca Warner
T: 029 2066 7481
E: rebecca_m_warner@yahoo.co.uk

PMC Watercolour Painting Group
Wednesdays, 10:00 AM - Noon
Our painting group meets every Wednesday morning, between 10:00 AM - Noon. We bring our own painting supplies, and share our artistic expertise, friendship and fellowship.